Monday, January 12, 2015

Gut instinct - brain-body-mind-integration

Brain-body-mind-integration is just fascinating. To get even a basic understanding of how we think, learn and feel, we need to look at studies from the span of disciplines including physiology, biology, psychology, physics, and philosophy and in some way attempt to bring insights together.

Developments in the area of gut microbiology and how they affect the brain have led to some interesting avenues of research. There is evidence to suggest that enzymes can be the origin of a range of complex behaviors, including emotions and appetite, learning and memory. Gut microbiome may also contribute to the risk of what are considered brain disorders, including depression and autism. I'll be following developments in this area during the coming year and collating what I find in a post on this site.


  1. I LOVE working with clients on integrating mind-body-emotions in psychotherapy. I think more and more, we are disconnecting what should be whole. Even bringing a client back into awareness that when they are, for instance, anxious, their body is doing something too. Sometimes, a client just being able to spot sensations can put the breaks on racing-minds, panic attacks etc.

    Integration is vital. Even in typing that though, I hear myself thinking, "sure we're already integrated - we just need to remember it and stay aware of how we interact as a whole" :-)

  2. Great contribution, thank you! Also what we need to maintain is a holistic and integrative perspective that doesn't dismiss ideas that cross the boundaries of different fields of expertise, perspectives, and disciplines.
