Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's games all the way

Yet more evidence, this time from neuroscience, that games are the ultimate immersive learning experience. A recent Yale study has shown that information encountered during gaming makes its way through the whole brain system - to depths never considered possible. Every cognitive function appears to find reward important, not just the "reward centres". Learning is experiential in nature but some contexts, such as gaming, provide much richer contexts in which to explore, make mistakes, and learn. 

It makes sense that the whole of the brain should be active when the player is so engaged in a world that all else is excluded. So I suppose the results of this research are not hugely surprising. While the brain, like most organs, provides capacity that we don't use on a day-to-day basis, we often use the whole of our brains (not 10% as the myth insists).
Michael coming to the rescue

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