Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Want to remember? Study, wait, then exercise

You've got an important exam tomorrow. You're convinced you won't remember some last minute cramming. What do you do? Panic? Pray? Keep studying?

In a new take on fight or flight, new research says run for it! The study implies that you can enhance memory for what you've just learned by exercising, not straightaway, but four hours later. The connection between exercise has been previously evidenced, but the specific time frame between learning and the development or memory traces is crucial, it seems.

So study, take a break, then hit the park or the gym. Wake up next morning, and ace that exam (let me know how this goes!). You'll also some great research from other domains on how to study below.

Blog post and video: Mind Hacks post on the cognitive science of how to study (with video - excellent)
Blog post and research: Big Think on How to Learn - evaluates 10 techniques for improving learning, ranging from mnemonics to highlighting - surprising conclusions:


  1. A great call-for-action post! Likewise, the benefits of exercise within the context of positively affecting memory improvement can also be attributed to the idea that exercise as a form of physical stress relieves mental stress. Ergo, aerobic exercise represents a comprehensive remedy affecting every aspect of brain related function, including ones emotional state of mind. See

  2. So true! And it's kind of counterintuitive the way exercise gives you more energy even though it uses up a lot of energy. Great link - very interesting!
