Thursday, January 21, 2016

Memories the size of the Internet

News just in. Your brain can remember 10 times more than was previously thought. What's astounding about this is that the researchers claim it extends the size of brain to the same capacity as THE INTERNET!

"Our new measurements of the brain’s memory capacity increase conservative estimates by a factor of 10 to at least a petabyte, in the same ballpark as the World Wide Web."

Something of the Tardis to that brain of ours. So why can't remember anything of my journey to work this morning? Maybe my issue is with recall, not storage. I still find this idea of quantifying memory hard to get my head around. No matter how useful the brain-as-computer metaphor may be, our minds just don't behave like computers do most of the time. Memory seems to contain hidden rooms that are only accessible in certain conditions. Perhaps the article sheds light on this: "hippocampal synapses are notoriously unreliable. When a signal travels from one neuron to another, it typically activates that second neuron only 10 to 20 percent of the time."

Anyway in the way all science tends to go, I wonder will future research claim that memory has again increased, say 20-fold? (A kind of Flynn Effect of our memory capacity) Who knows? All I know is that I need a higher hit rate on that second neuron.
That's an Internet in there, yes indeed

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