Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brain keeps its shop in order

The latest EEG studies demonstrate that the brain infers structure and rules when learning. We tend to live in structured environments and consistently attempt to structure what's around us so the fact that the brain mirrors this activity isn't so surprising:
 "When the world is organized, you just reduce the size of what you have to learn about by being able to generalize across situations in which the same things usually happen together. It is efficient to generalize if there is structure, and there usually is structure." 

The researchers say that the study gives new information about the neuroscience of cognition and learning, but also could be applied to the study of learning disabilities.

But that happens in environments that are less structured or where the culture expects less structure from its inhabitants? Is our brain forcing us to structure our world, or is our world prone to structure, or both? Pattern recognition and formation is such a key feature of our universe. This area is truly fascinating.

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